Are you becoming irrelevant? 12 Proven Strategies to Fix Your TikTok Engagement and Views

A TikTok talking about irrelevant Tiktokers

The situation: You have a lot of followers, but you’re finding that your videos are underperforming. It might be time to revamp your TikTok strategy. This blog post aims to dive deep into various methods to increase your TikTok engagement, so you can reach more people and grow your community.

1. Master Content Relevance for TikTok Success

Keep Up with TikTok Trends

The first step to increasing your TikTok video views is to stay updated with viral trends. Incorporate trending topics and sounds that align with your niche for maximum audience relevance. However, this might be inappropriate for your channel.

Consistent Niche Focus

Continuity in your content style is key to keeping your 1 million followers engaged and attracting more. A consistent niche helps maintain and increase your TikTok engagement. However, this doesn’t mean that if you are locked in a format, you need to continue that format. Eventually formats get old.

2. Unlock Higher Engagement with Audience Interaction

Boost Video Views through Comment Replies

Immediate interaction in the comments section can dramatically improve your TikTok engagement rate, signaling the algorithm to favor your content. Each time you post, for a half-hour after the post, respond to the comments. Go like your follower’s videos.

Use TikTok Live to Connect Real-Time

TikTok Live sessions offer invaluable real-time engagement, fortifying your community and increasing active participation. Do this on a steady schedule, not randomly.

3. Consistent Posting: A TikTok Algorithm Favorite

Establish a TikTok Posting Schedule

Regular posts can win you algorithmic favor, translating into higher video views. Use TikTok analytics to create an effective posting calendar.

Efficient Content Creation Strategy

Batch-create your videos to ensure a consistent output without risking creator burnout, thereby boosting your TikTok account’s performance.

4. Leverage Peak Times for Maximum TikTok Engagement

Analyze Active Hours via TikTok Analytics

Tailor your posting schedule to when your audience is most active, optimizing for maximum visibility and video views.

Diversify Posting Times for Global Reach

If your followers are globally spread, stagger your posting times to accommodate multiple time zones.

5. Smart Hashtag Utilization for Increased Discovery

Balance Trending and Niche Hashtags

A combination of trending and specific hashtags can increase your TikTok video’s discoverability, improving both reach and engagement. However, use trending hashtags only if they relate to the content.

Hashtag Overload: A Pitfall to Avoid

Overusing hashtags can seem spammy. Focus on a select few that add value to your content. The #fyp hashtag never worked to get people on the for your page.

6. Collaborate to Elevate TikTok Reach

Choose the Right Collaboration Partners

Partnering with like-minded creators can bring in fresh audiences, thereby boosting your TikTok engagement and overall reach.

The Power of TikTok Duets

Duets offer an interactive and engaging way to cross-promote with fellow creators, thus increasing your video views.

7. Quality Content: The Backbone of TikTok Engagement

Professional Video and Sound for Increased Views

Quality production can significantly enhance user engagement. Investing in good lighting and sound equipment can yield long-term benefits for your TikTok account.

Invest in Video Editing Tools

Apps like InShot or Adobe Premiere Rush can amplify the quality and engagement of your TikTok videos.

8. TikTok Analytics: Your Roadmap to Success

Key Performance Metrics for Higher Engagement

Examine TikTok metrics like watch time, re-shares, and comments to fine-tune your content strategy aimed at boosting engagement.

Harness Audience Insights

Understanding your audience demographics can inform your content decisions, thereby increasing relevance and views.

9. Crafting Shareable TikTok Content

Captions: Your Underused TikTok Tool

A compelling call-to-action in your captions can drastically increase the shareability of your videos, which in turn boosts reach and views.

Shareability Factors for Maximum Reach

Focus on creating universally relatable and engaging content to encourage shares and extend your reach beyond your existing 1 million followers.

10. Utilize Feedback for Customized Content

Employ TikTok Polls and Q&As

These features are great tools for gathering audience preferences, which can serve as invaluable data for future content strategies.

Open Conversations Mean Loyal Followers

Transparency in asking for feedback not only yields useful insights but also deepens audience investment in your TikTok account.

11. Diversify for a Dynamic TikTok Account

Experiment, Analyze, Repeat

Occasional content diversification can unveil new opportunities for engagement but always remember to measure its impact through TikTok Analytics.

Gradual Introductions Prevent Audience Shock

A slow roll-out of new content types prevents alienating your 1 million followers, ensuring sustained TikTok engagement.

12. Stay Ahead with TikTok Updates

Platform Updates: Adapt to Thrive

Stay on top of TikTok’s regular feature rollouts and algorithm changes to ensure your engagement strategies are always optimized.

Tap Into TikTok Creator Communities

Online forums and social networks focused on TikTok creation are treasure troves of current trends and best practices.


With these 12 proven strategies, you’re well-equipped to optimize your TikTok account and drive engagement to new heights. Always remember, in the ever-changing world of TikTok, staying adaptive and informed is the key to sustaining and growing your engagement levels.